The Soul of America

3 min readJun 8, 2020
“to be a bird” — Nadine Rennert — Artist

an answer to Thomas Dylan Daniel : “Amercians Don’t Give A Damn About Greatness Anymore”.

The problems we are faced with are way beyond Donald Trump, or even who becomes President of the USA, they are not about “American Greatness”, but they may be related to the American Soul, or more specifically the current depletion of American Soul fulness.

The problems we are faced with are large, they are global, they concern the planet and the entire human population of the world…

The problems we are faced with are fundamental : as long as we pit nation against nation, people against other people, we will find no solution. The limitless resources we pour into military endeavors, conquering and maintaining our boot on the neck of other nations in order to control the riches of the world, have made America into a miserable nation. Some have benefited and grown very wealthy indeed, most have become miserable. But the economic disaster is not the worst part, the young women & men who are deployed around the globe in order to feed the Golem are returning with shattered psyches & battered Souls.

The problems we are faced with regard the American Soul…

Within the United States, the current confrontations created by police brutality, or more specifically the racist behavior of the police, are another face of our fundamental…

